BME Market Research

Measuring success - Creating added value - Optimize costs

About BME Market Research

As part of its market research services, the BME collects a wide range of professional key figures and market information that support purchasing decision-makers in their strategic and operational business and help them to stay ahead of the competition.


With its BME-Benchmark - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Procurement, the BME defines standards for measuring the performance and quality of procurement and enables anonymous comparison with the competition.


The BME-Benchmark Fleet Management contains strategic key figures on costs, processes, organization and contract management, which were queried from the participating companies.

The results thus provide valid comparative values that can be used to classify and improve a company's own performance.


To keep abreast of the general economic market situation and the further economic outlook, the BME offers the HCOB Einkaufsmanagerindex Deutschland (EMI), a monthly leading indicator of the forecast economic development in Germany.


In addition, the BME publishes market information that presents developments and trends in order to better understand market-specific movements and to be able to adequately derive risks and opportunities. We currently offer market information on raw materials and freight. Use our know-how and valid market data for your success!

Register here as survey participant

Please note: Surveys and reports are in German.

Top Key Performance Indicators in Procurement


 The BME-Top Key Performance Indicators in Procurement provide one of the most comprehensive benchmark analyses of purchasing processes and costs in Europe, in which both global players and SMEs participate - a good basis for professional evaluations, conclusions and trends. Use this report to determine your own position and directly identify optimization potential. 


Register for your participation in this BME-Survey "Top Key Performance Indicators in Procurement" and use the advantages. You can participate at any time!


Benefits as participant of BME-Survey Top Key Performance Indicators
  • 50% discount for the final product, plus free of charge:
  • One issue of the BME Market Information Freight
  • Or one isssue of the BME Market Information Raw Materials
  • Or on issue of the HCOB Einkaufsmanagerindex Deutschland (EMI)

BME/fleetcompetence - Fleet Management Survey



The benchmark shows you the latest developments in the fleet management segment in detail. The trend towards mobility concepts and e-mobility are just some of the highlights of this benchmark. From medium-sized companies to large corporations, you will receive professional results, conclusions, statements and empirical values.


Register for your participation in this combined BME-fleetcompetence survey "Fleet Management" and use the advantages. You can participate at any time!


Benefits as participant of BME Survey Fleet Management 
  • 50 % discount on the company car survey
  • Free purchase of a presentation on the highlights of the survey
  • Individual evaluations are possible on request at special conditions

Reading Samples

Top Key Performance Indicators in Procurement (in German)

BME Benchmark Fleet Management (in German)

BME Market Information Freight (in German)

BME Market Information Raw Materials (in German)

Other Services


Support in the search for suitable suppliers

About BME Matchmaking

How innovative is your purchasing?

About BME Certification

How sustainable is your procurement?

About BME Certification
Do you have questions about the BME surveys or would you like individual advice?

Andreas Hermann | Phone: +49 6196 5828 207 | [email protected]

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